NLX's multimodal, chat, and voice capabilities are demonstrated via The Showroom, an interactive multimodal experience that puts you in the end-user's shoes! The Showroom is personalized and live so YOU can truly experience what end-to-end automated conversations look like on a fully qualified AI platform.
Not ready to experience The Showroom for yourself just yet? Watch our multimodal airline manage flight experience (video to the right or here).
It's no longer practical for major brands to take a single-channel approach to automated customer service. Brands need synchronized omnichannel support!
NLX's advanced technology and platform power a multimodal (two or more modalities like voice, text, image, etc.), multichannel self-service experience that enriches the customer interaction, augments your existing automated resolution infrastructure, and contains the inquiry to the conversation flow (unless escalation is needed.)
With NLX, end-users seamlessly transition back-and-forth from chat, to voice, to multimodal, friction-free while experiencing continuous engagement as they would with a live agent.
Share a few details about your company, challenges, use cases you're thinking about, and we'll get back to you with a custom solution.